Orlando Policicchio and Markus Schwed (Co-Founders & CEOs)

About us

CompanyMood has been working on its vision of innovative employee surveys since 2014.

Today, with organic growth and a team of 12 ‘Moodies’, we support more than 2000 managers worldwide to make better decisions and increase employee retention.

Our Mission & Vision

We create a positive team and leadership culture through simple and effective solutions.

Our Mission

Developed as a private project and management tool in 2012 in a rapidly growing team, CompanyMood quickly found favour with friendly companies and managers. Since then, CompanyMood has been used in more and more companies and has received media attention and awards.

Today, with organic growth and a team of 12 ‘Moodies’, we support more than 2000 managers worldwide to make better decisions based on data and improve employee retention and leadership quality.

With a focus on DACH and Europe, we support companies with 100 – 25,000 employees and enable them to strengthen their employee listening and feedback culture.

Our Vision

New technologies and social changes are further accelerating the already “sporty” innovation cycle.

Conducting employee surveys as a basis for feedback only every one or two years does not do justice to the VUCA environment.

Automatically documenting challenges, conflicts and strengths helps to utilise human characteristics such as empathy, communication and personal exchange with scarce resources more effectively and place them at the centre of teamwork.

This makes feedback simple, effective and fun for employees, managers and companies that use intelligent data to support their corporate culture.

New software architecture and further growth
Person gibt Feedback
We support cultural change at workplaces - HR 4.0
Remote Teams benefit from feedback during COVID
Seed Financing and new teammebers
Winner of the Startup Summit Southwest Germany
Proof of Concept and MVP
Go-Live of Beta with 10 pilot customers
Founding of CompanyMood UG
CompanyMood is free for companies
CompanyMood starts as pet project

Our Team

Orlando Policicchio

Co-Founder & CEO

Markus Schwed

Founder & CEO

Silke Amann

Marketing / Customer Success Manager

Matthias Wagner

Senior Software Developer

Annabelle Wagner

Design & UI/UX

Muhammad Abdul Mueed

Software Developer /  Trainee

Nancy Sinatra

Office Dog

Till Maurer

Software Developer Frontend / UI / UX

Jonas Langhabel

Software Developer / KI & Machine Learning

Felix Folz

Software Developer Frontend

News from our blog

Copyright #hrespect 

Together against Racism & Discrimination

The CompanyMood team is colourful and diverse. We oppose racism and discrimination of any kind. We simply accept people as they are and value individuality with our values and in our day-to-day work.